TTT is an ecumenical initiative rooted in a desire for local churches to see positive Christian role models active in our schools and communities. There is a core group of stakeholder churches who provide us with financial support, the use of buildings and volunteers. We also receive donations from other churches, charities, and individuals throughout the year.
We run weekly groups based in different venues to offer a broad range of Christian witness to children and young people as we nurture them in growing their faith and equip them for the challenges they might face as Christians in wider society, promoting peer support and prayer.
We draw on a wide-range of age-appropriate resources and ideas, so the sessions contain a mix of games, crafts, dramas, songs, multimedia, prayer, and Bible teaching as we stand faithfully on the word.
In addition to our regular groups, we offer support to local churches through running Junior Church sessions and supporting youth services and events as well as hosting networking events for local church-based teams to share ideas, partnering opportunities and for prayer and peer support.